Careers: Parents Information
The options available after Year 11 can be sometimes confusing for students and parent/carers. There are many different routes and pathways that young people can take and choices have to be carefully made.
Raising of the Participation Age From September 2015 the participation age was increased until the young person’s 18th birthday. This does not mean staying in school, your child can opt to study or train in any of the following ways;
Studying full time in school, college or with any training provider
Working or volunteering, combined with a part-time education or training
Traineeship or study programme
The government have decided to do this because it is widely recognised that if a young person stays in education or training they will have better career prospects.
Information, advice and guidance Learners at LPW School are entitled to independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance on a full range of post 16 options. Learners will receive CEIAG through interviews arranged in school. CIAG will be with Nicky Garrett who is the school’s independent careers advisor and another member of the careers team. Nicky will meet with students at least once and create an Action Plan.
How we do it?
• CEIAG is led by a member of the senior leadership team
• Independent Careers Advisor Nicky Garrett is in school regularly
• Regular visits to post 16 providers
• Coordinated activities to promote careers, employability skills and raise aspirations
• Personalised arrangements for students
How do we measure the effectiveness?
• Annual review of Careers Provision
• Destination Data
• Feedback from parent/carers, learners and staff
• Feedback from external agencies
How can we make improvement?
• Increase engagement with employers
• Promote Careers within school
• Promote Careers to parent/carers on how to support their child in their post 16 options
How can Parent /Carers help?
• Work in partnership with the school when requested
• Support your child in making key decisions
• Encourage your child to access all opportunities provided to them
If you would like more information on careers guidance at LPW contact Kate Baynham our Careers Lead -
Other useful links
The National Career Service
This is a free service for both young people and adults. Young people aged 13 and over can use the service to find information about jobs and courses, as well as requesting 1:1 support from a qualified Adviser by ringing the helpline, emailing, texting or requesting a web chat. Call 0800 100 900 or log on to the website.
The National Apprenticeship Service
The National Apprenticeship Service website offers guidance on how to apply for an apprenticeship including current local apprenticeship opportunities.
Find a traineeship website offers support on applying for current local traineeship opportunities.
Not going to Uni?
Not going to Uni is now the UK’s leading website dedicated to helping school & college leavers make informed decisions about their future by showing the opportunities that exist outside of traditional university such as apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, diplomas, gap years, distance learning and jobs. However, they are not anti-uni.