
OFSTED judged us as GOOD in all areas “senior leaders have a deep understanding of the challenges that their pupils face. They create a respectful learning culture that aims to give pupils a fresh start”.
We celebrate the recognition for the “wide range of opportunities" and the unrelenting hard work our teaching staff and Engagement Team invest in our young people. “[L]eaders and staff build strong and positive relationships with pupils [which helps them to] work hard and take pride in their learning”. Our Ofsted report also highlights that we really do go above and beyond to “help pupils to succeed”.
Academic outcomes 2021/22
2022 saw a return to externally assessed GCSE examinations for the first time in three years and, as predicted, grades fell in all subjects nationally.
While this change did hit our outcomes the impact was perhaps less keenly felt due to the extremely small number of GCSE entries made last year as Functional Skills and vocational qualifications firmly established themselves as our dominant form of assessment.
The headline figure from my point of view is that, as of the end of September 94% of last year’s cohort have successfully transitioned into post 16 education or training. This equates to just two young people not currently enrolled in a college course or apprenticeship, one of whom is in paid employment and the other we continue to support with late college applications.
Our academic outcomes for 2021/22 were as follows:
GCSE outcomes (2021 outcomes in brackets)
90% (100) pass rate (grade 9 – 1).
English: 83% (100) grade 1 – 9
Maths: 92% (100) grade 1 – 9
Biology: 100% (100) grade 1 – 9
History: 100% (N/A) grade 1 – 9
NCFE outcomes
100% pass rate.
Home Cooking Skills
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Functional Skills outcomes
English Level 2: 21% (22%)
English Level 1: 63% (37)
English Entry 3: 33% (50)
Math's Level 2: 4% (12.5)
Math's Level 1: 21% (19)
Math's Entry 3: 79% (47)
August 2021
The summer GCSE results were the culmination of up to two years of hard work by staff and students alike and reflect the diversity of our curriculum offer. For the first time we were able to offer students up to four GCSE subjects and again achieved a 100% pass rate in each of these. One member of our cohort achieved the highest GCSE results in the school’s history, securing four grade 4 awards in addition to further vocational qualifications!
93.5% of our students achieved qualifications in both English and Maths, with only two students failing to secure these qualifications. In both cases there were long histories of school non-attendance and each had highly bespoke curriculum offers in place as well as a range of professionals in place to support them, however, they consistently refused to take part in any examinations.
The average number of qualifications achieved by LPW students was 4.5, a figure deserving of being seen in the context of a number of our students only being with us for only four months and therefore not able to access our full suite of qualifications.