Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways we can prepare each child for success – both in school and in life. When we make school attendance a priority, each child will get better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behaviour and be successful in their future careers. Our school attendance target is 96%.
Our aim is to work in partnership with parents and carers to the remove barriers to good school attendance. We strive to establish good working relationships with the families of our young people through good communication and regular meetings to address on-going attendance concerns. If necessary we signpost our families to specialist support services who can work with us in a multi-agency approach.​
We regularly hold whole school and tutor group activities to celebrate good attendance and academic progress. These are given to students for a variety of reasons including, good performance in specific subjects, attendance and punctuality. Learners receive points for our positive behaviour points system for punctuality and attendance. Where students improve on personal attendance or behaviour after being of some concern, individual rewards may be given. e.g. gift vouchers
You can find our attendance policy here.
If you need to report an absence or want to discuss
your child's attendance you can contact their
Keyworker or speak to our Attendance Officer
Khalda Khan 0117 907 4500