Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
We recognise that many students will experience difficulties with maximising their learning during their school career and we are relentless in our commitment to supporting all young people to overcome any barriers to learning.
Our school aims to provide access to the whole curriculum for all learners. Our main goal, therefore, is a whole-school approach to our learners’ needs with all staff taking responsibility for their progress.
As a School we aspire
To give all students the opportunity to study a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum.
To maximise the achievements of all students through a system of individual staff expertise and, where possible, augmented by classroom support and targeted interventions.
To foster attitudes of self-worth in all students.
To encourage personal autonomy and the full realisation of potential.
To develop staff awareness – monitoring students with SEND in all subject areas by all staff.
To make appropriate provision, with the resources available, for all students with SEND.
To disseminate information to staff on students’ needs and suitable approaches to maximise learning.
To fully involve parents/carers in planning and supporting students in all stages of their academic and social development.
To work collaboratively with parents/carers, other professionals and specialist services.
Our Provision
Students with SEND, whenever possible, follow the same alternative curriculum as all other students. Increasingly, time is being directed to specific students on the higher levels of need with smaller group sizes or 1:1 support. Our SENCo works closely with these students to establish the most appropriate and accessible curriculum offer to enable them to engage and succeed.
Who are the best people at the School to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need?
​You can contact the school either via the school address or by telephone or email. Please address any queries to the following:
Mia Casey (SENCo): mcasey@lpw.org.uk
Rhiannon Benson (SENCo Assistant): rbenson@lpw.org.uk
Lorraine Gibbs (Governor): enquiries@lpw.org.uk
If you would like more information about Bristol's local offer you can use the link below